
Approximately during 20th century metals are classified into two forms first one is major metals and second one is minor metals. Major metal means which are cheap and are heavily used, where is minor metal means which are costly and have less usage. It is hard to believe that previously metals like Nickel and Aluminium the minor metals. In 20th century major metals where used in making war material. This classification was important at that time, nowadays every model is useful in some of the other way. Metalnology is a word by me, it means metals which are useful in updating technology. For ex: at the time of 20th Century people started using tungsten in Incandescent bulb

Metals like Iron, aluminium, Cobalt, Nickel and Zinc are used heavily in industries. Many metals are used in making mobile bodies also. Material of battery in mobile is nowadays made up of lithium and polonium. Communication wires are made up of copper with large purity for better accuracy. Stainless steel and brass are used in making kitchen utensils. Back of premium smartphones is made up of Steel for higher protection. Many metals are used in security services also. Antennas of signal are made up of metals for better communication.

One thing is for sure that alloys big help to us. Many times we don't get the property in one metal which we want therefore by combining metals in the form of alloys we can use them. Metal alloys can be engineered have high resistance to shear, torque and deformation. Usually we have heard that allows a mixture of more than two or more metals, out of which in our daily lives we use alloys made up of three to four metals. For making jet planes an alloy of more than 10 metal is demanded. Alloys are quite old they are known to us since bronze age. Construction of joint shifts is also done through alloys. Requirement of alloy is for different purpose. Sometimes for hardness sometimes for ductility and sometimes also for making the melting point of required metal high.

Let us also know about non metals. Graphene is an allotrope of carbon. Researchers say that it is a material of future. It is now used in LCD's and OLED's. In future it will be used in Optoelectronics.
As the bond length in non metals is higher than metals they would be used in chips in devices. They don't conduct electricity so they are used as insulators for example: carbon. Sulphur holds a big importance in industries. Non metals take less space and do the work that is what we want.

It still makes us think that in future, by which material screens in future would be made up of. It is definite that virtual projections are going to come, about which we are super excited. Carbon in non-metals will be the one on which we would be looking in future, as it is used a lot now. For metals there will be more scope in laptops, televisions and other electronic devices especially smartphones. Well we will end here and will come next time with an interesting and unknown topic.


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